Short Podcasts (0-30 minutes)
Some quick listens for your commute.
Fascinating Stories
Planet Money: In-depth stories that make economic issues interesting.
How To Do Everything: The name says it all. Exploring questions of "How To", both big and small.
Morning Short: One amazing short story every day, read to you by a soothing narrator.
Welcome To Night Vale: Popular twice-monthly podcast with a continuing narrative, in a unique format.
NBC Nightly News: The day's news, summarized in 20 minutes by Lester Holt and team.
NPR Politics: Political roundups, in-depth stories, and exclusive political interviews
The Gist (By Slate): "A daily afternoon podcast about news, culture, and whatever else you'll be discussing with friends and family tonight"
The Trail Tapes: NBC's Jake Heller seeks out the interesting untold stories of the 2016 Presidential election.
Great Interviews
WSJ Opinion: Foreign Edition: Approachable, in-depth discussions of foreign policy, led by WSJ's Bret Stephens
Death, Sex & Money: "A podcast hosted by Anna Sale about the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation. "
Fun, Games, And Comedy
Your Brain On Sports (By SI): Jon Wertheim analyzes the the hidden side of sports with special guests and interviews.
Bon Appetit Foodcast: "The Bon Appétit Foodcast features interviews with chefs, writers, and well, anyone who has something cool to say about food."
Big Ideas + Creativity
Writing Excuses: Writing Tips From Best-selling Authors in a concise, entertaining format.
Meanwhile In The Future: "A podcast in which we try to really overthink what the future has in store for us. Every episode will tackle one potential future scenario... and try to work out how that future would really go down."
Hidden Brain: "A conversation about life's unseen patterns"
Business + Startups
Growth Byte: Tiny, useful growth-hacking tips, tricks, and stories.
Seth Godin’s Startup School: A short series on business from serial entrepreneur (and blogger) Seth Godin.
The Growth Show: "Each week, we speak with someone who has achieved remarkable growth and unpack how they did it. "
The Distance: "A podcast about hard-working, long-lasting businesses and the people behind them."
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Long Podcasts (30 minutes +)
Some longer listens for your commute.
Fascinating Stories
Surprisingly Awesome: From mold to interest rates, SA takes supposedly "boring" topics, reframes them and tries to prove they're interesting (and they usually do).
Stuff You Should Know: SYSK breaks down complex topics you should know about into entertaining stories. Listen to their episode on public relations. It's amazing.
This American Life: Explores One interesting theme per episode in multiple "acts" or well-reported stories.
Revisionist History: Author Malcolm Gladwell reinterprets old stories in new and interesting ways.
Serial: Extremely popular. Tells one true mystery story, from all angles, over the course of a season.
Stuff You Missed In History Class: Covering the interesting subjects your history teacher skipped over, one subject per episode.
Reply-all: Exploring the internet, one in-depth story at a time.
Big Ideas + Creativity
TED Radio Hour: "A journey through fascinating ideas, astonishing inventions, and new ways to think and create. Based on riveting TEDTalks from the world's most remarkable minds."
Freakonomics: "Each week, hear surprising conversations that explore the riddles of everyday life and the weird wrinkles of human nature—from cheating and crime to parenting and sports."
Happier with Gretchen Rubin: "Gretchen Rubin is HAPPIER, and she wants you to be happier too. The #1 bestselling author brings her practical, manageable advice about happiness and good habits to this podcast. "
Intelligence Squared U.S : "Intelligence Squared brings together the world’s leading authorities to debate the day’s most important issues"
Great Interviews
Magic Lessons: Inspiring interviews with authors and creators
Creative Mornings: breakfast lecture series for the creative community
Not Too Deep: "Hosted by internet superstar Grace Helbig, "Not Too Deep" is a ridiculous, silly, and unapologetically superficial interview podcast, that is more about the laffs than about the feels."
Spycast: Interviews and stories on intelligence, spies, and spying, brought to you by the Spy Museum.
Here's the thing: Actor Alec Baldwin interviews movers-and-shakers. No-holds-barred.
The Axe Files (with David Axelrod): "Go beyond the soundbites and get to know some of the most interesting players in politics".
RunningMate with Ryan Nobles: Reporting and round-table discussion of the 2016 Presidential election by CNN.
PBS News-hour: Daily, publicly-funded news roundup.
Fresh Air: Weekly discussions of current events and the arts
Little Atoms: "Little Atoms is a weekly show featuring the worlds of science, journalism, politics, religion, academia, human rights and the arts in conversation."
Radio Free GOP: "GOP strategist Mike Murphy goes outlaw, tearing into campaign 2016 with topical rants, informed and merciless analysis and key player interviews."
Fun + Games + Comedy
Wait, Wait, Don’t tell me: "NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up"
The Nerdist: "A comedy podcast in which Chris Hardwick, Jonah Ray and Matt Mira talk about all things nerdy, including comics, video games and TV shows".
All Songs Considered: "Hosts Bob Boilen and Robin Hilton spin new music from emerging bands and musical icons."
How Did This Get Made?: "Have you ever seen a movie so bad that it's amazing? Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas want to hear about it! We'll watch it with our funniest friends, and report back to you with the results."
The Bill Simmons Podcast: "HBO's Bill Simmons relaunches the most downloaded sports podcast of all-time with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes and media members, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House and other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available."
Thrilling Adventure hour: "A staged show in the style of old-time radio performed live, monthly at Largo at the Coronet in Hollywood"
Whiskeycast: "Each week’s episode brings you the latest whisky news, along with events, tasting notes, comments from other listeners, and the weekly “In-Depth” segment features interviews with the people who help make whisky the 'water of life”'
God Awful Movies: Each week, three comedians give a hilarious/atheist review of a bad Christian film.
Business + Startups
This Week In Startups: "Jason Calacanis and a rotating group of guest experts bring you this weekly take on the best, worst, most outrageous and interesting stories from the world of Web companies"
Startup: "A series about what it's really like to start a business."
Ycombinator Startup School: "Weekly stories and practical advice from founders and investors"
The Tim Ferriss Show: "In this show, best-selling Author and lifehacker Tim Ferriss deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas, digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use."
Re/Code Decode: "Listen in as one of tech's most prominent journalists hosts hard-hitting interviews about the week in tech with influential business leaders and outspoken personalities from media, politics and more."
HBR Ideacast: "A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management from Harvard Business Review."
This Week In Tech: "Start your week with the latest in tech news. Join Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, John C. Dvorak, and other tech luminaries in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in digital technology. The marquee show of the TWiT network, tune in on demand."
Daily/weekly Emails
Enjoy a story, pick up a skill, or catch up on news, all from your inbox.
Learn Something New
Daily bits of: "Daily Bits Of delivers bite sized courses on any subject - straight to your inbox!"
Hardbound: Every week they create a new illustrated story that teaches you something fascinating about the world.
Brain pickings: "The week’s most unmissable articles across creativity, psychology, art, science, design, philosophy, and other facets of our search for meaning."
Now I know: Learn one new thing every day (i.e Carrots used to be purple, Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service on the day he was shot).
Highbrow: "Brings bite-sized courses straight to your inbox every morning. All our courses are 10 days long so that you don’t get bored, and they are broken down into 5-minute lessons to make sure you can read them with your morning coffee or during your commute to work. "
Catch Up On News
Theskimm: "We read. You skimm. We do the reading for you and break down the latest news and information with fresh editorial content."
Next draft: "The day's most fascinating news (From Dave Pell)"
Need 2 know: "A free, daily email that gives readers all the news they REALLY ‘Need 2 Know’. Think of us as ‘Cliff Notes’ for news."
Quartz daily brief: "The most important and interesting news from around the world, in your inbox."
Find stories to read
Morning short: One amazing short story, every morning, in your inbox. Makes reading fiction easy.
Longreads: "Sharing the best long-form stories on the web"
Read this thing: "One link to a fascinating piece of journalism, in your inbox daily."
Tedium: "Twice a week, internet obsessive Ernie Smith (a dude you might know from the hit Tumblr ShortFormBlog) takes a deep dive towards the absolute end of the long tail, and he’s putting his findings in your inbox"
Five thirty eight: The best in data-backed journalism on sports, politics, and the world, daily.
Fun + Games + Sports
Casual Spectator: "A super-simple newsletter about sports. We make following sports easy and help you have better conversations with co-workers, family and friends."
Buzzfeed today: A variety of newsletters featuring the best buzzfeed articles of every subject.
Kickstarter happening: "The latest in art, culture, and technology delivered straight to your inbox."
Milkshake: "Milkshake is an addictive free email dedicated to finding the good in everything."
Noon Pacific: "Noon Pacific™ is a weekly mixtape of the best songs handpicked from the best music blogs, delivered to your inbox every Monday at Noon (Pacific Time)."
Science + Tech
Mattermark Daily: "A hand-curated newsletter compiled daily to bring you first-person accounts of entrepreneurship, investment and other insightful reflections from the startup ecosystem."
Futurism: "Futurism is a curated feed of the top daily scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations. The top 5 daily stories are put into an email digest that is sent to our subscribers daily."
Product Hunt: "Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It's a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations."
AI Weekly: "Subscribe to a weekly collection of the best news and resources on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. For free."
Sidebar: The 5 best design links of the day, curated by a selection of editors.
Politics + Government
Politico Playbook: "Mike Allen's must-read briefing on what's driving the day in Washington."
First Draft: "Political news and analysis from the staff of The New York Times."
RealClearPolitics: "RealClearPolitics is the trusted, non-partisan, convener in a content-rich media environment; thoughtfully curating the best coverage from every angle of the day's most critical issues."
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Find all the best of what you love, in one place.
Reddit: Social-bookmarking website with sub-communities on every topic, major and minor.
Flipboard: Focussed digital magazines, curated with care.
Pinterest: Digital bulletin boards, curated with care.
Quora: Questions (and good answers) on any and every subject.
Mlist: Get all of your email newsletters in one place (that's not your inbox).
Medium: Blogging platform with thousands of ad-free stories by top-notch writers.
Life + Travel
Lifehacker: "Tips, tricks, and downloads for getting things done."
Flyertalk: Forum that aggregates and discusses travel tricks, news, reviews, and stories.
Lifehack.org: "Lifehack is your source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life"
Boarding Area: "All of the best frequent flyer blogs, all in one place."
NomadList: "The best cities to live and work remotely for Digital Nomads, based on cost of living, internet speed, weather and other metrics. For startups that work remotely and digital nomads."
Tech + Business
Techmeme: "The essential tech news of the moment. Technology's news site of record. Not for dummies."
Gizmodo: Curator of tech news and gadgets.
Futurism: See the future of anything, today.
Hacker news: Social-bookmarking tool for the tech community.
Startup Stash: A curated directory of resources and tools to help you build your startup.
betalist: Aggregator of beta-stage startups.
Growthhacker: Community-curated growth tips, tricks, and answers.
Inbound.org: Community-curated marketing advice and resources.
Designer news: Social-bookmarking tool for the design community.
Product Hunt: Community-curated aggregator of new tech, books, podcasts, and games.
One Page Love: "One Page Love is the ultimate showcase of beautiful One Page Websites, Templates and Resources."
Dribbble: "Show and tell for designers"
Sidebar: The 5 best design links of the day, curated by a selection of editors.
Smart News: "A better way to discover news"
Blendle: The world's best publications, curated, without the paywall. (Coming soon to the US).
Google News: Algorithm-based news aggregator. (You probably know this one, but check out their powerful personalization features).
RealClearPolitics: "RealClearPolitics is the trusted, non-partisan, convener in a content-rich media environment; thoughtfully curating the best coverage from every angle of the day's most critical issues."
Polurls: "The political blog aggregator for moderates"
Mobile Apps
Turn your smartphone into the ultimate commuting device.
Udemy: Excellent e-courses, now on your smartphone.
Codecademy: Learn to code on-the-go.
Duolingo: Pick up a second language, the fun way. Gamified language learning.
NASA: Learn casually about space, the planets, and tech.
Wattpad: Start writing your novel on the go, with help.
Itunes U: Take courses from some of the world's finest universities.
Khan Academy: Learn anything, with videos and exercises on-the-go.
Primer: "Short, simple marketing lessons from Google"
Dark sky: Check the weather, down to the minute, before you walk out the door.
Google Maps: You've probably used it, but you might have missed some of its most powerful features...Find the fastest route anywhere, with built-in public transportation, Uber, biking, walking, and driving directions.
Waze: Real-time traffic, police, and accident tracking tool, plus turn-by-turn navigation.
GateGuru: Find food, shops, and tips in any airport and terminal.
Seatguru: Find the best seat available on any plane. Seatmaps, booking tools, and more.
Vinli: Turn any car into a connected car, with the first app store for cars.
Uber: Order a ride when you need it, all around the world.
Spotify: Freemium, cross-platform music streaming.
Apple Music: Music streaming and curation.
Soundcloud: Free indie music and podcasts.
Google Play Music: Cross-platform music streaming, plus recommendations.
Listen: Gesture-based music control (Great for commuting on foot).
Otto: Custom radio tailored to your commute, and your tastes. Podcasts, news, and more.
Qello Concerts: Watch hundreds of whole concert videos, on any device.
Evernote: Advanced, cloud-syncing note-taking tool.
Google drive (and related apps): Edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and automatically sync them to the cloud.
Google Calendar: The easiest, most advanced cross-platform cloud-syncing calendar tool.
Outlook: Manage your email, your calendar, and your contacts all from one well-organized app.
Tetris: Classic, block-based game.
Flow Free: The only game to make plumbing interesting.
Unblockme: Laid-back puzzle game.
1010: Tetris, without the time pressure.
Beat the boss 4: For the commute home, after a rough day at the office.
Tile Slider: Classic time-based puzzle game.
2048: Mathematical Puzzle game
Starbucks Rewards: Pay with your phone and earn rewards (like free drinks) from your morning coffee.
DDPerks: Basically the same as Starbucks Rewards, but for Dunkin Donuts. Plus coupons.
Robinhood: Trade stocks on your iPhone, fee-free. Test trading theories with $5, or invest $500,000. The amount is up to you.
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Created By Michael Sitver (The Morning Short Team)